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Cauliflower Corn and Cucumber Salad

Cauliflower Corn and Cucumber Salad

NUCO Coconut & Avocado Vegan Mayo is a great salad dressing and sandwich spread. Contains no soy, eggs, canola oil, and has a sweet tangy after taste.

Prep Time: 15 min / Cook Time : 10 min / Total Time: 25 – 30 min

  • 1/3 – 1/2 Cup NUCO Vegan Mayo
  • 2 Cups cauliflower florets
  • 2 Small cucumbers
  • ½ Cup red pepper
  • ½  Cup celery, chopped
  • 1 (15 oz) Can corn, drained
  • 1 Tbsp Lime juice
  • Salt and pepper, to taste


  1. Cut your cauliflower into small florets. Slice cucumber into thin slices. Cube the red pepper. Chop the celery. Drain corn. Mix everything together in a large bowl.
  2. Add vegan mayo, salt, and pepper to taste, and squeeze in the lime juice. Mix well and garnish with dill (optional). Serve cold and enjoy!


  • شركة جلي بلاط بالجبيل: February 18, 2024

    شركة مكافحة حشرات بالجبيل وكذلك شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالجبيل وتنظيف خزانات وتنظيف الموكيت والسجاد والكنب والشقق والمنازل بالجبيل وتنظيف الخزانات بالجبيل وتنظيف المساجد بالجبيل شركة تنظيف بالجبيل تنظيف المسابح بالجبيل شركة مكافحة حشرات بالجبيل شركة كشف تسربات بالجبيل شركة عزل اسطح بالجبيل شركة تسليك مجاري بالجبيل شركة تنظيف كنب بالجبيل شركة تنظيف مساجد بالجبيل شركة تنظيف سجاد بالجبيل شركة تنظيف خزانات بالجبيل شركة تنظيف وصيانة مسابح بالجبيل شركة تنظيف الاثاث بالجبيل شركة تنظيف شقق بالجبيل شركة تنظيف موكيت بالجبيل شركة تنظيف مجالس بالجبيل شركة تنظيف منازل بالجبيل شركة تنظيف ستائر بالجبيل شركة تنظيف فلل بالجبيل شركة جلي بلاط بالجبيل

  • Natasha Wilson: February 08, 2024

    My name is Natasha Wilson. I am here to make a review about how Dr Patrick  helped me in fixing my marriage and also to those out there seeking for help and advice on how to save your broken marriage or relationship, few months ago I was having issues with my husband I noticed he has been having an affair with another young lady in his place of work I confronted him but he got angry and say to my face that it’s true, as if that was not enough he went ahead by telling me he doesn’t love me anymore that he wanted a divorce I was to devastated and confused, I pleaded with him that I don’t want a divorce but he insisted, before then I had heard about Dr Patrick while browsing on the internet how he use to help people with broken marriages and relationships, I gave it a thought and I decided to contact him, he promise to put a smile on my face again, I followed his instructions and after 3days I was so surprised to see my husband kneeling before me and apologizing for what he had said about the divorce, this is something I never expected, I thank Dr Patrick for what he has done for me, now am living happily with my husband and he has stopped seeing the other woman. Please if you are having issues like this I advise you to contact Dr Patrick he can help you as well. You can contact him on his Email or on his whatsapp number +1 662 493 2087 this is his website

  • Natasha Wilson: February 08, 2024

    My name is Natasha Wilson. I am here to make a review about how Dr Patrick  helped me in fixing my marriage and also to those out there seeking for help and advice on how to save your broken marriage or relationship, few months ago I was having issues with my husband I noticed he has been having an affair with another young lady in his place of work I confronted him but he got angry and say to my face that it’s true, as if that was not enough he went ahead by telling me he doesn’t love me anymore that he wanted a divorce I was to devastated and confused, I pleaded with him that I don’t want a divorce but he insisted, before then I had heard about Dr Patrick while browsing on the internet how he use to help people with broken marriages and relationships, I gave it a thought and I decided to contact him, he promise to put a smile on my face again, I followed his instructions and after 3days I was so surprised to see my husband kneeling before me and apologizing for what he had said about the divorce, this is something I never expected, I thank Dr Patrick for what he has done for me, now am living happily with my husband and he has stopped seeing the other woman. Please if you are having issues like this I advise you to contact Dr Patrick he can help you as well. You can contact him on his Email or on his whatsapp number +1 662 493 2087 this is his website

  • Lucy: January 23, 2024

    This is a very happy day of my life with the help PRIEST WISDOM has rendered to me by helping me to get my divorce husband back with his magic power and love spell. I was married for 8 years and it was so terrible because my husband was really cheating on me, and was seeking a divorce but when I came across the PRIEST WISDOM page on the internet on how he helps so many people to get their ex back and help fixing relationships and make people happy in their relationships. i explained my situation to him and then seek his help but to my greatest surprise he told me that he will help me with my case and here i am now celebrating because my Husband has change totally for good he started begging me to forgive him that he is very sorry for everything, i was really surprised and was also happy, so that was how i forgive him and now we are living together happily than ever before and He always want to be by me and can not do anything without my present. I am really happy with my marriage, what a great celebration. Thank you to PRIEST WISDOM who helped me a lot, if you need his help you can contact him through email Website WhatsApp/Telegram. +2348124644470

    This is a very happy day of my life with the help PRIEST WISDOM has rendered to me by helping me to get my divorce husband back with his magic power and love spell. I was married for 8 years and it was so terrible because my husband was really cheating on me, and was seeking a divorce but when I came across the PRIEST WISDOM page on the internet on how he helps so many people to get their ex back and help fixing relationships and make people happy in their relationships. i explained my situation to him and then seek his help but to my greatest surprise he told me that he will help me with my case and here i am now celebrating because my Husband has change totally for good he started begging me to forgive him that he is very sorry for everything, i was really surprised and was also happy, so that was how i forgive him and now we are living together happily than ever before and He always want to be by me and can not do anything without my present. I am really happy with my marriage, what a great celebration. Thank you to PRIEST WISDOM who helped me a lot, if you need his help you can contact him through email Website WhatsApp/Telegram. +2348124644470

    This is a very happy day of my life with the help PRIEST WISDOM has rendered to me by helping me to get my divorce husband back with his magic power and love spell. I was married for 8 years and it was so terrible because my husband was really cheating on me, and was seeking a divorce but when I came across the PRIEST WISDOM page on the internet on how he helps so many people to get their ex back and help fixing relationships and make people happy in their relationships. i explained my situation to him and then seek his help but to my greatest surprise he told me that he will help me with my case and here i am now celebrating because my Husband has change totally for good he started begging me to forgive him that he is very sorry for everything, i was really surprised and was also happy, so that was how i forgive him and now we are living together happily than ever before and He always want to be by me and can not do anything without my present. I am really happy with my marriage, what a great celebration. Thank you to PRIEST WISDOM who helped me a lot, if you need his help you can contact him through email Website WhatsApp/Telegram. +2348124644470

  • Emily naomi: January 09, 2024

    Hi everyone I am Emily Naomi wanna give a big thanks to this wonderful psychic for bringing my husband back to me… I never really believed in magic spells or anything spiritual but a trusted friend opened my eyes to the truth about life. My marriage was heading to divorce a few months ago. I was so confused and devastated with no clue or help on how to prevent it, till I was introduced to this psychic Priest Ray that did a love spell and broke every spiritual distraction from my marriage. A day later my husband started showing me love and care even better than it used to be, he’s ready to talk things through and find ways for us to stay happy. It’s such a miracle that my marriage can be saved so quickly without stress. You can also contact him for help by email or WhatsApp: +12133525735 and you can also visit his website:

  • Ann Earnis: January 06, 2024


    This is my testimony about the good work of priest wisdom who helped me … I’m Ann Earnis from North Carolina USA. And am sorry for putting this on net but i will have to, by this world best spell caster that brought back my husband who left me out for past 3 years, i eventually met this man on a blog site posting by one of is client for help, i explained everything to him and he told me about a spell caster that he had heard about and he gave me an email address to write to the spell caster to tell him my problems. In just 1 days, my husband was back to me. I just want to say thank you to this truthful and sincere spell caster, sir all you told me have come to pass and thank you sir. Please I want to tell everyone who is looking for any solution to their problem, I advise you to kindly consult this spell caster, he is real,he is powerful and whatever the spell caster tells is what will happen, because all what the spell caster told me came to pass. You can kindly contact him on: his email address is or directly on whats-app/Telegram +2348124644470 facebook page:

  • Ann Earnis: January 06, 2024


    This is my testimony about the good work of priest wisdom who helped me … I’m Ann Earnis from North Carolina USA. And am sorry for putting this on net but i will have to, by this world best spell caster that brought back my husband who left me out for past 3 years, i eventually met this man on a blog site posting by one of is client for help, i explained everything to him and he told me about a spell caster that he had heard about and he gave me an email address to write to the spell caster to tell him my problems. In just 1 days, my husband was back to me. I just want to say thank you to this truthful and sincere spell caster, sir all you told me have come to pass and thank you sir. Please I want to tell everyone who is looking for any solution to their problem, I advise you to kindly consult this spell caster, he is real,he is powerful and whatever the spell caster tells is what will happen, because all what the spell caster told me came to pass. You can kindly contact him on: his email address is or directly on whats-app/Telegram +2348124644470 facebook page:

  • Ann Earnis: January 06, 2024


    This is my testimony about the good work of priest wisdom who helped me … I’m Ann Earnis from North Carolina USA. And am sorry for putting this on net but i will have to, by this world best spell caster that brought back my husband who left me out for past 3 years, i eventually met this man on a blog site posting by one of is client for help, i explained everything to him and he told me about a spell caster that he had heard about and he gave me an email address to write to the spell caster to tell him my problems. In just 1 days, my husband was back to me. I just want to say thank you to this truthful and sincere spell caster, sir all you told me have come to pass and thank you sir. Please I want to tell everyone who is looking for any solution to their problem, I advise you to kindly consult this spell caster, he is real,he is powerful and whatever the spell caster tells is what will happen, because all what the spell caster told me came to pass. You can kindly contact him on: his email address is or directly on whats-app/Telegram +2348124644470 facebook page:

  • Diane jones: January 02, 2024

    Indeed spells work. I wanna express myself on how this psychic priest Ray saved my marriage from divorce. Myself and my husband were having some misunderstanding and it was tearing our marriage apart to the extent my husband was seeking for a divorce and during that time he left home and I was really devastated I cried day and night I was searching about love quotes online I saw people talking about him and his great work whose case was similar to mine they left his contact info I contacted him told him about my problems he told me that my husband will return back to me within 24hrs i did everything he asked me to do the next day to my greatest surprise my husband came back home and was begging for me to forgive and accept him back he can also help you if you have same marriage issues contact
    WhatsApp: +12133525735

  • Diane jones: January 02, 2024

    Indeed spells work. I wanna express myself on how this psychic priest Ray saved my marriage from divorce. Myself and my husband were having some misunderstanding and it was tearing our marriage apart to the extent my husband was seeking for a divorce and during that time he left home and I was really devastated I cried day and night I was searching about love quotes online I saw people talking about him and his great work whose case was similar to mine they left his contact info I contacted him told him about my problems he told me that my husband will return back to me within 24hrs i did everything he asked me to do the next day to my greatest surprise my husband came back home and was begging for me to forgive and accept him back he can also help you if you have same marriage issues contact
    WhatsApp: +12133525735

  • Emily naomi: December 29, 2023

    Hi everyone I am Emily Naomi wanna give a big thanks to this wonderful psychic for bringing my husband back to me… I never really believed in magic spells or anything spiritual but a trusted friend opened my eyes to the truth about life. My marriage was heading to divorce a few months ago. I was so confused and devastated with no clue or help on how to prevent it, till I was introduced to this psychic Priest Ray that did a love spell and broke every spiritual distraction from my marriage. A day later my husband started showing me love and care even better than it used to be, he’s ready to talk things through and find ways for us to stay happy. It’s such a miracle that my marriage can be saved so quickly without stress. You can also contact him for help by email or WhatsApp: +12133525735 and you can also visit his website:

  • Janine Hawkins: December 29, 2023

    My son introduced crypto to me some years ago, so I invested in USDT and BTC, using Binance. Due to my busy schedule, I could not keep some of the secret codes used in accessing the account, my son told me that I had lost all my investments. It was so heartbreaking because I invested all my savings about ($28,500) in my savings. I narrated the ordeal in one of my classes and a student of mine suggested ALLEGIANT PRO HACKER to me because his mother also fell victim to a cryptocurrency mining scam, ALLEGIANT PRO HACKER helped her to recover her money back, I decided to give it a trial, to my greatest surprise that same day my codes was made to reset, a default login was given to me and I was able to access my wallet without any upfront payment, kindly reach out to them if you are going through a similar problem.
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  • Janine Hawkins: December 29, 2023

    My son introduced crypto to me some years ago, so I invested in USDT and BTC, using Binance. Due to my busy schedule, I could not keep some of the secret codes used in accessing the account, my son told me that I had lost all my investments. It was so heartbreaking because I invested all my savings about ($28,500) in my savings. I narrated the ordeal in one of my classes and a student of mine suggested ALLEGIANT PRO HACKER to me because his mother also fell victim to a cryptocurrency mining scam, ALLEGIANT PRO HACKER helped her to recover her money back, I decided to give it a trial, to my greatest surprise that same day my codes was made to reset, a default login was given to me and I was able to access my wallet without any upfront payment, kindly reach out to them if you are going through a similar problem.
    Telegram +1-562-553-9611

  • Emily naomi: December 23, 2023

    Hi everyone I am Emily Naomi wanna give a big thanks to this wonderful psychic for bringing my husband back to me… I never really believed in magic spells or anything spiritual but a trusted friend opened my eyes to the truth about life. My marriage was heading to divorce a few months ago. I was so confused and devastated with no clue or help on how to prevent it, till I was introduced to this psychic Priest Ray that did a love spell and broke every spiritual distraction from my marriage. A day later my husband started showing me love and care even better than it used to be, he’s ready to talk things through and find ways for us to stay happy. It’s such a miracle that my marriage can be saved so quickly without stress. You can also contact him for help by email or WhatsApp: +12133525735 and you can also visit his website:

  • Emily naomi: December 23, 2023

    Hi everyone I am Emily Naomi wanna give a big thanks to this wonderful psychic for bringing my husband back to me… I never really believed in magic spells or anything spiritual but a trusted friend opened my eyes to the truth about life. My marriage was heading to divorce a few months ago. I was so confused and devastated with no clue or help on how to prevent it, till I was introduced to this psychic Priest Ray that did a love spell and broke every spiritual distraction from my marriage. A day later my husband started showing me love and care even better than it used to be, he’s ready to talk things through and find ways for us to stay happy. It’s such a miracle that my marriage can be saved so quickly without stress. You can also contact him for help by email or WhatsApp: +12133525735 and you can also visit his website:

  • Sandra Rowan: December 13, 2023

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  • Claudia Dirk: November 25, 2023

    DR ISIKOLO is none to be compared in regards to having solutions to your relationship or marital problems. My name is Claudia Dirk. I have been battling with depression for a very long time knowing it’s as a result of heartbreak when my boyfriend left me for another lady. I never knew he took the decision to be gone from me until months passed and I was unable to reach him. I had to contact DR ISIKOLO when I heard about him. He told me all that was needed to be done to restore the love and connections between me and my man which he did. The result started manifesting after 48 hours as he promised. This may sound weird but it is 100% true that he does not fail anyone. Worry no more and contact him now. email: or text him via WhatsApp +2348133261196

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  • Sandra Rowan: November 24, 2023

    Need A Hacker Who Can Recover Stolen Or scam*ed BTC?

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